My Collaborative Work

Working collaboratively, or "Team Teaching", is essential is education. This to exception for teaching with technology. Throughout this course, those it may have appeared we completed the majority of the work alone, either in class or at home, there were always opportunities for working with others. Here are some that stood out the most for me:

Google Docs
This is a new concept for me, and I can't believe it hasn't been introduced to students earlier! I can't even count how many times I've been in a group project, and had SOME sort of technological error sending work to and receiving work from group members, accidentally deleted files and emails, etc. Google docs eliminates that problem by placing an editable document online that can be added to overtime, and between numerous amounts of people. This was an excellent and practical way for myself and my colleagues to complete your TPAK, TCK and TPK reflections and the end of each session throughout our time in this course. It allowed us all to comment on one document, and I would it was just as accessible to our instructor as she monitored our progress over time. In the classroom, this would be excellent for group projects as students don't need to worry about getting togethers as often, as they can do their section of the work in the comfort of their home, and send the editable document to the rest of their group members. 

Today's Meet
I thought this resource was really neat, because we it was like an interactive jigsaw strategy, where we were able to read a certain section of a document, and report back to our group members through an active blog/newsfeed. This is great for the classroom, and particularly in the J/I grades because students don't have to sit and read an entire document in order to gain all of the information from it (which can be boring and turn kids off research). As a group, students work individually to become an expert on a given section, and teaching that information (which is also a great way of learning it!) to the rest of their group, instantly through this newsfeed. 

I found the best way that I was able to work collaboratively with others, we just bouncing ideas and concerns off them! Whenever I had a problem or needed some help troubleshooting a roadblock, I just turned to my elbow partner and had a conversation. I think this strategy is excellent for students because it teaches them to be resourceful when gathering information and solving problems rather than seeking the teach to simply give them the answer.