Monday, June 4, 2012

Alexandria of Africa, revisited!

Hello 4/5s, and happy Tuesday! 

I hope that you all had a stupendous PA day yesterday, and that you all got outside and danced in the rain!

I have something to share with you that I was really excited about when I discovered it.

At my last school, Wilfrid Laurier (some of you may know it, it is the university in downtown Brantford) there is teaching program called concurrent education. Just like me, any student that graduates from this program does practice teaching and then becomes a teacher at the end of their last year.

Something really cool that the school does every year, is send some of those teacher-students to Kenya to do one of their teaching blocks! They spend three weeks just outside the country's capital, Nairobi, teaching school children just like all of you, and just like Ruth and her classmates from "Alexandria of Africa". My friend Caitlin just came back from teaching in Kenya, and when I told her that "Alexandria of Africa" took place in Kenya, and that we all read it together, she shared all of her stories and pictures with me.

Here's a picture that Caitlin took of the landscape.

Cool, right?

But, here is the really cool part!

Remember Nebala? He was a member of a particular type of tribe. A warrior tribe, whose members only wear red, where all of the boys become men after killing a LION, and whose job is to protect their people from predators. They are called "The Massai".

While Caitlin was in Kenya, she became good friends with the Massai, such as the two below. She said that one on her right's name is "Zeek".

Here is another photo of a Massai warrior and his battle weapon. Do you remember what this weapon is called? Think back to "Alexandria of Africa"!

If you guessed konga you are correct!

Eric Walters was being truthful, he writes real stories about real people. People that Caitlin got the pleasure of meeting.

Here is your riddle for the week:

I can be long, or I can be short
I can be grown, or I can be bought
I can be painted, or I can be bare
I can be rounded or I can be square. 
What am I?

Good luck! You have until Thursday to make your guesses, and remember, only those who post on my blog will be considered!

Be excellent to each other!

Ms. Griffith

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