Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hey Major B 4/5s!

Greetings to my favourite students!

I am delighted to see that some of you have been able to find me, and comment on my blog. It is really wonderful to hear from you. I've been following your blogs everyday, and I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your author visits and that Airbands was such a huge success, I am really disappointed that I missed it!

Now that I'm not coming to Major B everyday, I've been able to spend some time with my family and friends, the ones that I wasn't able to spend as much time with when I was in school. My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, and I got some really nice things, such as a couple new books, a Flip Video camera, and my favourite TV show, "Parks and Recreation" on DVD. I've been working hard at the golf course almost everyday now that they weather is getting nicer.

I think about you all everyday, and hope that you are all working hard and learning lots.

Can you can solve this riddle:

"I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But, I can still hold water. What am I?"

Check back for the answer on Friday!

Be excellent to each other!

Ms. Griffith  


  1. its a sponge i hpoe to see you sooon

  2. zack is going to copey my comment on the riddle

  3. a sponge see you soon zack is copeing liam and saying liam copeid him and now hes going to blam me too

  4. I think it is a sponge see u soon

  5. its sponge cuz it scocs throw
